Where is the growth? (Ref: BM-114)

Tags: Census, growth, sales by drug class, pharmaceutical company, bonuses, Failure to meet sales targets

The client, a multinational pharmaceutical company, sells exclusively through wholesalers and distributors in the Philippines.  Through their global head office, they were given a target of 12% sales growth in the next calendar year without any increase in operational budgets.


Where to find the growth opportunities without increasing sales & marketing assets.  Although there are a number of high profile providers of market data for the pharmaceutical industry, senior management felt that this data was not granular enough for the program that they envisaged.



Failure to meet sales targets, no bonuses, job losses.



Paperless Trail was tasked to integrate the company’s sales data with Business Mapper.  With the addition of demographics from the 2010 census, we were able to develop a national baseline for each municipality in the country in terms of per capita sales by drug class and by SKU.  With this data, the company were able to identify the average sales by SKU, and a) rate each municipality as above, on, or below average, and b) identify the new sales potential of each area.  Armed with these results they were able to better target marketing and promotional activities.


The exceeded their annual growth targets by a significant margin.

Note: If this article leads to you making an inquiry to us, please use reference RE: BM-114 when you email us with your inquiry.